Thursday, September 18, 2008

Something that irritate Me!!!!!

One thing that irritates me is when people lie. Lying really get under my skin because once you have it done to you so much it hurts your feelings. Some people lie a very crazy things like: getting hit by a bus, or having a baby at a young age, and even about getting raped. One reason why I hate this is because I try to help those people but they are just pulling my string just to get attention.

Another things that really gets on my last nerve is when people intervene on other people conversation. I was told that if you are not spoken to then don't speak. Most people don't go by that they are just so rude and will just butt in a conversation that has nothing to do with them. Some people just don't know that they don't have the right to just interrupt people and be in their business. Well this things and more are "Things that irritate ME."